This useful Webflow University video: Create a Custom Accordion – Webflow tutorial - YouTube (strangely unlisted by Webflow for some reason I don’t understand) explains how to adapt the Dropdown component to create a custom accordion, which is useful for creating an FAQ. Unfortunately, it seems impossible for me to get the text in the Questions to respond fluidly when the viewport is resized and the single line needs to break into two lines to avoid spilling past the margin. I don’t know if this is caused by some intrinsic behavior built into the Dropdown component, or a gap in my understanding of CSS. If it’s the former, it would be a shame, because it would make the component unusable for creating an FAQ.
I’ve made a 3-minute video that demonstrates the issue here: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
My site Read-Only link is:
To find the Dropdown component, you’ll need to scroll down past the picture of the vibraphone.
If anyone has any idea what the cause of this issue is and can offer a solution, I’d really appreciate it. I’m at an impasse.