I’ve got a weird issue I haven’t seen with Webflow before. My text looks great in Chrome & Safari, but there is extra spacing in Firefox that’s causing my Headers to bleed into the images/content above them. (Screen shots attached)
I’m not sure how to trouble shoot and would love any tips and tricks you might have.
The problem in Firefox is extra padding between heading, paragraph, and button. Setting container bottom padding would make it legible, but it still doesn’t solve the extra padding. I’ve done a work around by reducing container padding bottom and decreasing paragraph line height. So, it’s legible now… but still not ideal because the extra padding is still there in Firefox.
Is this extra padding a known issue with Webflow/Firefox? I know Webflow has said they don’t fully support Firefox.
I’ve got same issue here. It’s a very simple form and Firefox has created extra space under the text pushing the image below down a few more pixels. The build look perfect in Chrome/Safari. Anyone got any solution?