Input doens't work on Firefox

An input in my site in development just doesn’t work on Firefox and IE. I try to write something but nothing it’s shows me.

Check it out on print screen.

Can you provide a public share link to your editor? You can find it here



So this is not a bug in Webflow, but maybe a bug in the way Firefox calculates and renders padding. The easiest solution is to removing the padding from the input field and instead add a height of 44px.


It works! Thank you so much man! :smiley:

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Hi @quartodeideias, glad to hear it is working :slight_smile: As a note, this is a known bug with Firefox with the padding on input fields. As @Davidn kindly mentioned, use the Height style on the input field instead … Thanks @Davidn !

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@cyberdave Yeah I don’t know why I said “maybe a bug with Firefox” It is most definitely a well know bug in Firefox. :smile:

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No worries, you called it correctly :slight_smile: Thanks @Davidn :slight_smile: