Tab content not appearing!

I’ve created a job board using tabs - for some reason the tab content is not appearing when I “publish” my site (it does appear when I’m working on the specific page though).

Has anyone run into this issue before? Could you advise why that might be the case? Thank you

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @bkmat,

I see your tab on your publish site. Can you provide a screenshot of what you don’t see?

Best Regards,
~ Brandon

Thanks. When I go on the actual website when its published, there’s no content in my tabs (when its clearly visible in “Toggle Preview” mode). See screenshot below.

@bkmat- If your project has custom code or layout issues on the published site, please share that URI as well. That way, we can see what is happening and potentially diagnose the problem.

you need to navigate to the “Job Board” section.
Thanks for your help (there is no custom code)!

Your interactions on the collection-item-7 > div.expander>div is setting the element to display:none.

Thanks, but could you explain how to fix this @webdev ? Thanks again

Hi @webdev and @QA_Brandon - just following-up here. Would you mind explaining how to solve that issue? Sorry I’m not finding the solution! Thanks again

Both your clickable element and the information element have the same class. That is the problem since you have the element (Job Card) set to hidden as the initial state. The info element needs a different class so you can toggle its state from initial (hidden) on load when “job-card” is clicked.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond @webdev, it works now.