hey there!
i have leveraged linguana for localization on one of my clients’ sites and am now looking to ditch it and opt for the webflows native localization.
what should i know? does anyone have experience with both options?
we are simply unhappy because of many weird bugs and issues we’ve encountered so far with linguana (used it for past 8 months).
it did some weird things resulting in us completely losing the ranking on our translated locale as well as injecting “noindex” meta tags recently.
i know we will need to change the dns settings because of the way linguna works - it basically hosts your entire site.
other than that, are there any important particularities we should be aware?
Not much to say- I really like Webflow Localization.
There are caveats-
Translations are not automatic. That means if you create e.g. a new blog article, or update a page, you’ll instruct it to re-translate that content. This is not difficult, just adds a step.
The Content Editor does not support localization directly, so if you have anyone using it, you’d want them to use the designer instead ( Build Mode is fine ).
Also, I’m not familiar with Linguana’s setup options.
Webflow is origin/locale-code/path. It doesn’t support locale-specific custom domains, like mysite.fr or subdomains like fr.mysite.com.
Your main thinking should probably be around SEO migration is your content paths / origins will be affected by the migration.