Suggestion: Make topics on the Tutorials page clickable to their respective webpage


Maybe I’m just tired here and if I’m overlooking something I apologize for wasting people’s time and the forum space here … but it seems the main Tutorial page (or its runner up Tutorial Courses page) isn’t the main hub of information one would expect.

There are “topic” pages (e.g. Sliders, Widgets, etc., Cf. the divisions on the Tutorial Courses page) that are not linked from the actual Tutorial Courses page. I mention this because on those specific topic pages there are videos that are not shown on the Tutorial Courses page.


Tutorial Courses page has a topic of Widgets showing four videos: Tabs, Dropdown, Lightbox, Navbar

While the Widgets Topic page has five videos: Using Tabs, Styling a Navbar, Using Symbols, Adding a Lightbox, Adding a Dropdown Menu

Same thing with the Sliders videos.

Tutorial Courses page has a Slider topic with four videos: Full Width Slider, Multi-Column Slider, Fixed Nav, Swap on Hover

While the Sliders Topic page has three videos: Full Width Hero Slider, Multi-Column Slider, Styling Arrow Icons

Tutorial Courses page on Webflow:

Separate widgets page with tutorial videos:

A slider showing all the videos would I suppose remove the need for hyperlinks. Y’all could also consider including Hyperlinks to the relevant “Docs” for convenience.

Though now after looking at the stuff in question some more I see the videos are of the old interface and I think I read that the new UI came out several months ago, so maybe the short time window since is one reason why the Tutorials page is slacking.

Also on a slightly different note but related … A week or so ago when you guys has the Youtube live stream workshops (the ones divided into beginner, intermediate, advanced), I signed up for them but didn’t know where to go and didn’t receive an email telling how to access them either - though I admit the lack of knowledge where to go is half my fault.

Thanks for listening.

Hey thanks @Aperion for the detailed feedback. You make some very valid points. We will go check it out :slight_smile: Thanks so much for the feedback, it is how we improve :slight_smile: Cheers, Dave