Suggestion for the forum admin

Suggestion for the forum developers…

I received a “Earned Popular Link” today.
I viewed the post… clicked the link… the link was dead
because I had moved the webflow project to another folder.

My response in the post - was valid - helped someone

  • but cannot help anyone else… because the link was dead.

When a thread is closed… you cannot edit a post you’ve made.

That means - links in a post can potentially be lost.

For example… if I reply to a question and provide an incredible earth shaking answer…

  • (The answer is in the form of a project in your desktop)
  • (The thread is closed)… and I move the project to another folder)
  • (or simply un-publish then re-publish the site (this changes the preview link)

With that… the incredible answer is no longer valid - or useful.

If any action is required on a closed or old post, feel free to flag for an admin to make changes!

IIRC, you can only edit posts within a certain timeframe. Edits on old posts can be made by an admin.

Edit: Found a reference! See Free to edit post at any time - #2 by fefrei - feature - Discourse Meta, it defaults to editing within 2 months.

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