Suggestion: Display "Responsive Image" option by default

Webflow’s Responsive Image option is cool and provides additional flexibility in many situations.

But it requires a keyboard shortcut to trigger it, which is very unfriendly; and it’s also hard to remind myself and other colleagues of this option.

Screenshot 2022-06-26 11.46.05


  • Display the “Responsive Image” option by default
  • Put the “Manually generate responsive images across a project” option in Designer’s Settings

( I wonder why these options are developed but have to be hidden… @Jiaona_Zhang )

Also posted on Wishlist:

FYI, currently, it works like this: Responsive images in Webflow | Webflow University

Disable responsive images

You can disable this feature for a specific image by hitting CMD+SHIFT+O on Mac or CTRL+SHIFT+O on Windows, then clicking the checkbox that’s revealed in the image settings panel.

Manually generate responsive images across a project

Hit CMD+SHIFT+I (CTRL+SHIFT+I on Windows) and the designer will scan and re-measure all your pages for you.