I’ve got a problem that is driving my completely nuts!
My mobile navigation is meant to have centered text, but when I resize the browser, the text links stay where they are instead of flowing into the center like they should. I’ve checked the code against other sites Ive made and I’m completely at a loss as to why its not working…
Ahhhhhhhhhhh…Right, yep that’s it alright. Thanks for the quick reply everyone
I realise it’s a bit hacked together, the navigation was a piece of code I had from before webflow, with the scroll interaction on it that i wanted to use. I guess I shouldve realised it was using the same class name as something else. dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!
Next time I wont be lazy and just do it all in webflow!
Well I’ve fixed the navigation but my client has come back with a separate issue - but I’m thinking it might be the overflow problem you mentioned @sabanna?
I can’t check it right now (at work) but here’s a screenshot that he sent me, from his iPhone 6 Plus: