Sticky positioning overlapping footer

Hi I have created a sticky positioning menu. However it is now overlapping my footer. Does anyone know a fix?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Edward!

  1. Please share a read-only link to the project, this way we can have a look.
  2. What exactly would you like to happen? Stop when it reaches the Footer? Go under the footer?

Hi Aviv,

Please see the attached link:

When the sticky div reaches the footer it sits on top of the footer, I would like it to stop just before the footer.


Because your sticky element’s parent is the body, it will stick all the way down.
You will have to change your structure so that the sticky element has a parent that ends where the footer begins.
Have a wrapper around all the sections, with their width, and a sibling wrapper for the sticky element. Both of these wrappers can go in a wrapper element with flex property.