Spam email protection in submission forms

Is there a way to include captcha or some other sort of spambot protection in the email/contact submission forms? I want to discourage non-human or human spammers.

Thanks in advance for whatever help you can provide.

You always can use embed code widget for including captcha or some other sort of spambot code

Can you walk me through this a bit more? I want to use the new Google re-captcha. I’m not 100% sure where to insert the lines of code.

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Hi, @designfarmstudios

From the Google reCaptcha API documentation, I can see that it requires adding code to PHP file, which controls the e-mail sending. If you are not familiar with coding I would not recommend to use it.

Instead, you can create your own “captcha” type protection by hiding the Submit button on load and make it visible only after user will click on the certain element (maybe even checkbox). All you will need is interaction with click trigger, with the option “affecting different element”.



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