Hello, everyone.
After adding of new “super” feature with responsive images my site have been broken.
80% of images are not working.
After a few days of trying to solve this problem I’ve found that responsive images generates names with %20 wich can’t work with browser. This happens even if there’s no “space” in original file name.
I upload an image “/vklogowhite.png”.
And for responsive images webflow generate files with name “images/vk.com-icon%20white-p-500x541.png 500w, images/vklogowhite.png 693w”.
And this browser shows me that this picture is absent.
Another live example is on the picture:
So, dear webflow team, your “great” feature brokes my site and my heart.
Can I turn responsive images off?
Or maybe you have another ideas how to solve this problem.
Thank you, Othon, but I’m not sure about that, becase I have the same problem with .jpg and .svg files.
Also my imaged example on the top shows the problem with .jpg file.
Thank you, @Diu!
That’s great if they are working on it, but how should I explain to the visitors of my site that there is no images any more and they can’t find any information on my site. This is a big blow to the image of the company and I’m loosing my money because of that.
If developers still can’t solve this problem maybe it’s better to turn this “feature” off untill it’s starts working properly.
It’s okay when situations like that happening with free software, but if I payed the money for the Webflow I should be shure that my product works correctly.
Sure, I totally understand your point. It’s a bit weird for new functionality to be deployed with such serious bugs. Still, Apple had the same with iOs 10, right? They had to release a security patch within a week as well. So it happens to the best of them. This doesn’t make the situation better, but just some reference. I’m sure @webflow are trying their best to fix this.
As a solution. Perhaps you can restore a backup until it’s fixed?
@Diu, thank you for your understanding and sympathy.
There’s a lot of new content in my sites wich will be lost after back up. Unfortunately I can’t prevent that.
The only way that I see is to change all file path manually and don’t like that way, 'cos it’s not the right way.
@Kowkin@Diu@Othon_Guilherme_Bera@Gumball we just pushed a fix for some export issues relating to special characters in image filenames. Export should work now, no need to restore from backup.
Please let us know if you’re still seeing issues here.