Did some searches but haven’t found a resolution to this issue.
I’m trying to create a slideshow with slides that have an overflow image.
When I set the Slide Mask to overflow = visible, the overflow image appears fine but then slides 2 and 3 are visible off the screen and the browser can scroll horizontally which I don’t want.
Preview link with slideshow on homepage - https://preview.webflow.com/preview/good-service-guide-6c4fea?preview=b317c0e2bcebd3422f3c749fc7ba622e
Slides can scroll horizontal example -
Thanks in advance!
May 29, 2016, 8:54pm
From what I see you figured it out already. Is it correct?
Nope. Haven’t figured it out yet.
The image overflows the slide, yes. But now slides 2 and 3 also show so the user can scroll left and right horizontally, not what I want.
May 29, 2016, 10:04pm
Ok, got it.
So, you have 2 ways to fix this:
add the code snippet to the head part of the custom code area
.slidemask {
overflow-x: hidden;
Give to slider itself some height (I tried 375px, seems work pretty good), add top padding (about 50-60px)
Thanks Sabanna.
The 1st option didn’t work for me but I was able to resolve using the 2nd option.
I also had to set slide show background to transparent and give it bottom margin equal to the top padding I added.
Appreciate the help!
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July 29, 2016, 7:50pm
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