Sliders, images and dropdown menu issues

Hi Everyone,

I’m reposting this in the good category :

It seems like something is wrong with my sliders. Even though all the images have the same size, on certain screens (especially mobile phones or iPads), images don’t always fill the slider space, and a gray strip appears. I’ve tried changing sizes, z-indexes, etc., but the issue persists.
Also, when I open and close the dropdown menu, the hidden arrow on the sliders reappears (and interactions on the opacity of the categories within the menu only work one time)
Any ideas?

Thanks very much!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Wilfried Laforge Advisory

Keep in mind that elements like the slider have a lot of script to handle the swiping effect, navigation, looping, etc. That script applies CSS on top of the styles that you have, and if you get too creative, you’ll create conflicts that the browser cannot reconcile.

If you look at your slide heights, one is 0%, one is 100vh, others have no height. You’ll create some strange layout inconsistencies with that approach.