Slider img issue - unable to edit content -Design Help

hi there,

so I’m trying to modify this page (see attached photo.)
the thing is I can’t seem to get to the slider to make the changes needed.

any help would be much appreciated


Here is my public share link: LINK
([how to access public share link][2])

[2]: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Hi @Dennis_Williams

Can you please share your read-only link so I can look further into your issue?

thank you, I was really thinking about starting over… it’s a mess in there and i would love any advice you have to make it more efficient :slight_smile:

see [link]
(Webflow - IDODESIGN)

Hi again @Dennis_Williams

Did you try to get to the slider and the image from the navigator panel?

Can you please explain with more details what issues are you facing in your site so I can further assist you?

Yea sure

So, I’m unable to edit the other slides. I can edit screen 1 (home page)
and the work page. But I’m unable |unsure how to edit content on the other
Work and about screens (left & right).

You can edit those sections by hiding the transforms setting on that section.
After you make your changes, enable the transforms again.

Like this:

​Hope this is helpful.

All the best,
Anna K

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