Slide appearances as animation triggers

Dear Webflowers,

I would like my slides to zoom in every time a new slide shows up. However, I cannot find the right animation trigger. ‘Scroll into view’ does not seem to work. Could anyone please help me out? Do I need a custom code solution?

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(how to access public share link)

Hi @joepfreedomlab,

You need to set it on the class. It can’t be on the children because they’re not in the same Div. You’ll need 3 interactions for each side, 6 total. Each slide will need a combo class of “slide-01, 02, 03”.

On slider in view, 0.5 is enough delay but you may not need it since the duration is longer. On slider out of view, simply make the return instant with no time and no easing.

If you need a video let me know. Hope that helps :slight_smile: