Site styles rendering differently in Safari than Chrome

Site link:

When testing on an iPhone (landscape and portrait), my site appears to be much different from the preview I get at the various breakpoints, and I cannot figure out why.

Also, all the links in the footer have stopped working on mobile (hover animations don’t work either but I could live with that if it was working okay).

Also, my interactions don’t seem to be working in Safari either? (see images)

Hover interactions over my dynamic lists only work in the bottom corners of the div, so links are unclickable and the layout is broken.

Back to top arrow at the bottom is meant to fade to black and move when hovered, but the black version appears to the right and slightly down from the white original?

EDIT: Also noticed that once I do use my back to the top arrow, some of my interactions don’t work properly once the “…/#top” is at the end of the url?

EDIT 2: I’m also having trouble in the designer keeping the div that contains my dynamic list image set to overflow:hidden. Seemingly every time I publish it, it’s turning back to the original setting.

Hi @ben_UXG, there are several styling issues here, but at least one I found is that right now the .navcontainer class is set to fixed, and this seems to interfere with the hover in safar

When I turned off the position fixed, it seems to work on the hover, and not just on the bottom corner:

I also noticed that there are some flexbox styles that are not being rendered in Safari, so that is part of the issues, but I would check first this fixed positioning on the .navcontainer.

I hope this helps.

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@cyberdave you’re a lifesaver. Was there anything else you spotted that I should change for the sake of a tidier site?

Thanks again!

Hi @ben_UXG, thanks for getting back to me. Well, I did not do an exhaustive check, but I will be happy to take a look further and get back when I have a tip :slight_smile:

Hi @cyberdave that would be perfect if you had a moment, it would be a massive help. This is my first big site build and there’s sure to be something else :joy:

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