Site not working

I bought the domain name yesterday on cloudflare, connected to webflow with the integration, published the website to the domain and it says page not found.

What am I doing wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Barnaby - Can you share a screenshot of your project settings for this custom domain?

This one or which setting exactly would you like to see?
According to this the domain is connected properly

This is my cloudflare DNS settings

In Webflow you need to make www the default or follow the instructions to use your root domain as default.

Wow what a weird default setup. www is just a subdomain. the root is the domain.
How do I find the instructions to set the root as the default?

There is a page in the Webflow University that I recommend you review if you haven’t.
It should help you resolve your issue.

If you are still stuck, let us know.

Thank you I appreciate it

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