Simple calendar function embedded in Form?

Hi! Need some developers help with calendar in Form. Can be a paid job, if not anybody has a simple solution they can share.

I have a site where I need a monthly calendar embedded in a step-by-step Form.
I have built the three first phases, as far as I can myself, just below each other. But not connected yet. The idea is to show only one part at a time. And then proceed to next phase with click on button, and when all choices are done, it should be sent as normal Form-response to my clients mail.

Firstly we see the containers the customer can choose from. At click on one of them, we move down to the FORM (section ID):
Step 1: Simple dropdown choices, ok as it is. Clicking on “Next > choose date” reveals next step (and hides this step?)
Step 2: Choice of date for Delivery and Pickup of container. Here I need a simple calendar with monthly view. And possibility to go back to last step via a breadcrumb that should be placed . Something like the picture I have placed there.
Step 4: Confirmation

Preview only link of my site here.

Is there any free (or low cost) calendar function that can be used here? Most paid calendars is hosted externally, and have too many functions. I dont need payment or anything else than just the calendar. And a way to make the form step by step.

Try this… Datepicker

bonus as it’s good for accessibility too!

Might actually be good enough! Very compact! I’ll test it…!
With a compact calendar choice like this it might even be enough to have all in one phase…!

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Eh… I’m not very good at codes etc. I thought I could just copy in the html-source code in a Div block with HTML Embed ? But the calendar icon and calendar etc does not show up…?