SHOW/HIDE class interaction not working

Dear webflow friends,

I’m in desperate need of help.
I have a collection with a card.
When clicking on an element inside the card I want a div (absolute/full) with content to appear.
This div is set to HIDE which mean the interaction need to show.
This I can do with SELECTED ELEMENT but not with a class based interaction.
I could go with selected element but as I use the collection multiple places on the site I need to set up interactions for each. Really want to avoid.

See my TEST interaction. Trigger is “about-affiliate-link-wrapper” and shoud SHOW “about-affilate-wrapper”. Both are set up to class trigger - but not working.

Why? (sorry for long class naming :slight_smile: )

Thanks in advance…

Here is my public share link: Webflow - travelhubber

(how to access public share link)

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Hey @Drillheaded

Maybe it’s too early for me, but can’t find the elements. Can you give me a hint? :D Page name?

Piter :webflow_heart:

Here… :wink:

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Okey, you need to change your structure. I will record a video and share with you here.

Super - will look forward to see you dissect my site :wink:

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Check here >

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You’re an absolute star. Been fiddling around with this for days…
Can’t thank you enough :))))

Will have a go and let you know.

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Hi again Piter,

I’m sorry, but I think I will need your help again.
I have done what you showed me and it works.

But now I need the same thing to happen with 2 of the small text snippets.


By clicking on the BANGTAO BEACH text I need the LOCATION-MAP-WRAPPER to open just like the one we just made (ABOUT-AFFILATE-WRAPPER) and by clicking on the WE RECOMMEND text snippet the OUR-COMMENT-WRAPPER has to show.

I can only make it work if I pull the out of card-text-wrapper as with the ABOUT-AFFILIATE-LINK but then I can’t get the similar design where the smal text snippets are side by side.

Does it make sense??? :slight_smile:

Any idea what to do?

As soon as I try and line them up in a div/flexbox the interaction stops working. Ummm