This is my preview link and things are looking good when I look there, but that’s not how things are when I publish.
Can anybody please help me figure what’s the issue going on here?
You can see which element is being effected in dev tools then go back and look at your styles / interactions to resolve the issue. In your case you are setting the opacity of the link block item-overlay to 0 with CSS. Thus it is not visible. So either change that to 1 or do it with an interaction (which was probably your intent).
Alright I found it.
I can’t thank you enough, but what confuses me, is that the same exact effect is applied in the sweatshirts page, and to the item overlay there, but for some reason it is showing unlike the homepage and the hoodies page.
I have had a similar thing happen where the interactions set the display to none on all of the pages. I don’t think the Page Load interaction is triggering on the page load. I’m not that great at Javascript so can’t fix it but I ended up removing the “set as initial state” switches from the interaction and that solved most of the issues.