ShareThis buttons aren't showing up in Div/Embed

I’ve followed the instructions outlined in the Webflow ShareThis tutorial (inject code to header, inject code oe mbed) but my ShareThis buttons aren’t showing up (however, they ARE showing up when a pictured is hovered over in a modal.

Are there some contradictory settings that are causing the buttons to now show up? I can’t find a solution on ShareThis’ website unfortunately.

Thanks in advance for any input. The issue happening on the modal on the Gallery page (it should be visible). Here is my read only link:

Hi there,

I’m not an expert on ShareThis, i just installed it today, but juste one question do you have published your website yet ?

If no, it seems that the buttons wont show up in the preview page.

As you can see on my preview link : the buttons are not visibles,
but on my live page : They are :slight_smile:

Maybe this is why you can’t see them.

Waiting for your answer to dig further.

Cheers :wink:

Do you have some sort of adblock? This might cause the issue…