SEO for images/linkblocs

Hey there.
I’m trying to improve my website SEO but I’m not sure how to do this concerning my website, which is particular because contains essentially linkblocs and images.

Here is my website :

  1. My site is saved to Google search console + Google analytics
  2. I added an ALT attribute + title + value to all my images
  3. I have sent my website’s sitemap to Google search console
  4. I’ve set a different meta title for the website itself and the main page (Home page)
  5. …as well as meta keywords

Now I’m quiet lost and I don’t know how to do to improve the SEO. I only see my website in Google search when I type “”, but I can’t see it when I type keywords like “webcantina” “web tools library”, etc…

Can someone help me please ? :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help and your time.

See you :slight_smile:

Can someone please help me with this ?
Thank you very much.