Hi Guys
Im a muse / bc user, and looking at migrating a large site.
I want to make sure that I can do everything I need to before telling the client they need to pay for me to rebuild everthing from scratch!
Ok, so I need someone who knows a bit about CMS searching to look at the search on http://www.sentinelhomes.co.nz/ (just below the nav bar) and the side search on http://www.sentinelhomes.co.nz/floor-plans.html
and while you’re at it, the category filter on http://www.sentinelhomes.co.nz/home---land-packages.html
If someone could let me know:
a - can this type of search (choose multiple parameters for multiple fields) be replicated somehow using the webflow CMS?
b - how?
the site also has a favourites feature, where you can add a floor plan as a favourite, then see your list of favourites (all cookie based, no logins)
Is it possible to get this custom stuff working webflow, or will I end up getting stuck at dead ends?
Comments and thoughts most appreciated.
Another feature which I will be getting to, is when someone updates a house & land package, I need it to roll it out to several API’s of real estate websites. Possible?