Working on a pretty straightforward website for a local restaurant. My plan is to display the menu via a modal pop up that appears on click. Sadly, in my attempt to make it somewhat functional I am have been running into issues getting the anchor tags on the left side of the modal window which are ‘menu categories’ to scroll to different corresponding sections of the menu items.
So I have tried removing any Grid, Flex, or other layout styles and it doesn’t seem to change anything… The only way I can get it to work would be if I removed the absolute positioning on modal menu pop up, but then I cannot fix the position of the close button to the menu modal. Stumped still.
Modal is an overlay and you are trying to navigate that.
To me the menu is the important bit and that should be the static page and the rest fluff on top.
So my question is what your reasoning for doing it the way you have.
And I am not saying you are wrong, just want to know the why.