Heading text showing up over the pop-up modal

Hi everyone!

I created a modal using this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4SvtMcqnIw

I got it working - Read-Only Link but as you can, the top header content overlaps the modal. When you scroll, it doesn’t do that anywhere else.

Is this because I have the position of that header content and button in a weird spot?

I attached a screenshot as well.

Another small issue is that now, I have a small white space running vertically down the right side of the landing page, any ideas on how to fix that would be amazing :slight_smile:


div block 13 wants to be z-index 99

no white space for me… on chrome

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I tried, still seems to be there. I also tried on chrome and got that, I have it on the mobile side as well.

Is it something in the body or sections? possibly an image

Happy Monday!

Hoping to get some help with this! thanks so much