Scroll Stutter in designer window. Can't test smooth scroll scripts

Hi there. I’m having trouble with the scrolling within the designer window (and when previewing the site via the preview function OR creating a read-only share link).

The scroll has a very distinct stutter. It jumps down the page in very segmented steps as opposed to a smooth scroll. I figured fine, that’s just how it is, I’ll find a workaround. However it appears that it may be the designer view itself?

I sourced some luxy scroll script and followed the instructions there to try and remedy the situation ( however it didn’t take effect.

Furthermore, the live site preview for the script provided on the link above works just fine, however when opening the project in Webflow designer to dissect the structure, it too has a very stutter-like scroll and doesn’t at all reflect the smooth scroll abilities of the script.

How am I supposed to test the scroll if neither the preview view or the read-only share link can reflect the scroll scripts on my site? Is hosting and publishing the site live the only way to preview the true experience of my site? Surely there must be something I am overlooking right?

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Clafond17,

You’ll need to set the ‘luxy’ div block’s ID to ‘luxy’. The code is referencing the ID #luxy as you can see here:

wrapper: '#luxy',

You’ll just need to add this ID here: Webflow - Portfolio Website...

Once you’ve done that, you should be able to see the scrolling effect once republished.

Regarding the scroll within the Designer preview, you won’t see this effect as custom code isn’t rendered within the Designer.

I hope this answers your question!