Hello guys
I’m super excited to unveil our handcrafted Webflow framework — brought to you after countless days of
-fueled fine-tuning, and built alongside real-world projects. Introducing the S2 Framework! 
The S2 Framework is a modern framework for Webflow that provides a solid foundation for projects of any size, whether you’re just starting out or a pro. We want you to build faster, smarter, and easier!
Clone and try it out for your next project:
Full docs here: S2 is flow simple! | S2 Framework
Can’t wait to hear your feedback and comments 
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Hey @anthonychan2509, this is a great resource thanks for sharing!
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Proud to an update~
S2 Framework for Template Creators – Now live with v2.1.0 
Are you a template creator? As you may already know, Webflow does not allow embedded custom code in templates.
Introducing the S2 Framework for Template Creators — a streamlined, one-page version of the S2 Framework, which is essentially a Style Guide fully complies with Webflow’s marketplace submission requirements. This Style Guide powers up your template creation process and helps to keep your project organized and easy to maintain for anyone!
Check it out:
Or explore on: Read-only Preview
S2 for Templates is part of the S2 Framework cloneable. Follow the docs to create your own copy in a few steps.
Pls feel free to comment and suggest🙌🏻