Runtime 400 error creating a Webflow object

Hi, I am getting a “Runtime 400 error” when using the / Integromat Webflow module.

The error, however, is intermittent – sometimes it works fine, sometimes it doesn’t.

But I don’t see enough in the error message to know what the issue is.

I thought it might be the slug, but when I removed the slug field, I still get the error:

This is the input that is generating errors:

        "fields": {
            "name": "This is How Insulin Resistance Starts (and how to stop it early)",
            "title": "t1qNOhzaqpWCcP1h9T2x",
            "episodeid": 59082860,
            "thumbnail": {
                "alt": "This is How Insulin Resistance Starts (and how to stop it early)",
                "url": ""
            "metadescription": "Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are linked to liver and pancreatic fat; this is explained by the twin cycle hypothesis and personal fat threshold concept, which accounts for variance in individuals' insulin resistance despite similar BMIs. Diet, mainly calorie excess and fat/carb quality, drives visceral fat increase and resistance. Customized dietary strategies with calorie deficits and quality nutrients, along with fitness routines like resistance training, are vital for managing metabolic health and diabetes.\n\nTags: Insulin Resistance, Type II Diabetes, Twin Cycle Hypothesis, Personal Fat Threshold, Visceral Fat, Diet, Metabolic Health.",
            "human-compaction-text": "Summary:\n1. Insulin resistance and its progression to type II diabetes are linked to fat accumulation in the liver and pancreas, according to Roy Taylor's twin cycle hypothesis.\n2. The personal fat threshold concept explains why individuals with similar BMIs might have different levels of insulin resistance or likelihood of developing type II diabetes based on their capacity to store visceral fat.\n3. Visceral and ectopic fat contribute significantly to insulin resistance and can manifest in the liver (hepatic insulin resistance), muscle, and eventually the pancreas, reducing insulin production over time.\n4. Dietary choices, particularly a calorie surplus, play a central role in the increase of visceral fat and insulin resistance, but the quality of fats and carbohydrates consumed also impacts metabolic health.\n5. A hypercaloric state with excessive simple sugars and saturated fats can accelerate the accumulation of hepatic fat, whereas unsaturated fats are less harmful.\n6. Managing metabolic health requires approaches customized to individual needs and preferences, focusing on sustained calorie deficit and quality diet, with an emphasis on unsaturated fats and fibrous, minimally processed carbohydrates.\n7. Specific strategies like time-restricted eating, diet personalization, and including fitness routines like resistance training can help manage insulin resistance, metabolic health, and diabetes.\n\nQuestions and Answers:\nHow does the twin cycle hypothesis explain the development of insulin resistance?\n- The twin cycle hypothesis suggests that insulin resistance originates from the accumulation of fat in the liver, which leads to hepatic insulin resistance. Subsequently, fat builds up in the pancreas, impairing insulin production and causing blood glucose to rise to diabetic levels.\n\nHow does personal fat threshold relate to insulin resistance and type II diabetes?\n- The personal fat threshold dictates how much visceral fat a person can store before it spills over into organs like the liver and pancreas, contributing to insulin resistance. This varies genetically between individuals, explaining why two people with the same BMI can have different metabolic health outcomes.\n\nWhat role do diet and energy balance play in insulin resistance?\n- Diet plays a critical role, with energy toxicity (calorie surplus) being a primary driver of insulin resistance. The intake of simple sugars and saturated fats can lead to increased fat storage in the liver, while unsaturated fats tend to be less harmful. Quality carbohydrates and unsaturated fats are recommended.\n\nWhat dietary strategies can help manage insulin resistance?\n- Achieving a sustained calorie deficit to reduce visceral fat is crucial, alongside choosing a diet that promotes unsaturated fats and fibrous carbohydrates. Personalization is key, as different diets like low-carb, plant-based, or time-restricted eating can be effective based on individual preferences and metabolic responses.\n\nHow can resistance training impact the management of metabolic health?\n- Resistance training is crucial for preserving lean muscle mass, especially during significant weight loss. It provides the largest stimulus to maintain muscle, which is metabolically active and helps regulate blood glucose independently of insulin.\n\nCore Takeaway:\nThe core problem described is the development of insulin resistance leading to type II diabetes, initiated by energy toxicity and visceral fat accumulation in vital organs. Not addressing this issue can lead to a host of metabolic diseases with serious health implications.\nThe top three key ideas to address the problem include:\n1. Understanding and monitoring personal fat thresholds to prevent visceral fat overspill and manage weight effectively.\n2. Emphasizing a quality diet that consists of minimally processed carbohydrates and unsaturated fats while maintaining a sustainable calorie deficit for long-term health.\n3. Incorporating fitness routines, especially resistance training, to improve insulin sensitivity and protect against muscle loss during weight reduction.\n\nTags here: Insulin Resistance, Type II Diabetes, Roy Taylor, Twin Cycle Hypothesis, Personal Fat Threshold, Dietary Choices, Visceral Fat, Ectopic Fat, Metabolic Health Strategies."
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