Ridiculous Experiments

So, this is a completely ridiculous experiment that I was messing around with late one night and forgot about until now:


I thought I would make it public/clone-able in case anyone else feels like messing around with it.

I basically just wanted to try making an animated stick man out of divs. My original plan was to make a bunch of animations that he would do based on what you click on the right, but it took quite a long time just to get this far, so he only waves right now! Iā€™d love to see if anyone plays with it to make new animations or improve the look etc.

Similarly, I made this ā€˜gameā€™, which is quite possibly the worst game youā€™ve ever seen, but is again done entirely with Webflow, just as a test:


Has anyone else tried anything like this? I realise itā€™s difficult to see why you would want to, obviously there are much better ways to create something like this, but I had fun!


pretty cool! you could tell an interactive story with this type of approach. good job! :smile:

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You wave me a dummy, I give you my waving alien: http://sab.webflow.io/

Iā€™ve been trusting in this all my adult life: THE WORST IS NEVER DISAPPOINTING! Donā€™t settle for bad, aim for the worst! That said, I couldnā€™t click the #@&ƧĀ§ moving character so I donā€™t know how worst it can be () Make the character a sausage and call it ā€œThe Wurst Gameā€.


I really hope you come back with more (:

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While I love the approach @vincent and Iā€™m seriously happy to see that kind of interactions in webflow I was disturbed while going to interactions and clicking preview on lowerrightarm only :D

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Hahaha! Wow this could be revolutionary for the seedier side of the internet - low loading times, no ethical concernsā€¦ Maybe need to work on the graphics though!