Rich text styling in CMS

Hi everyone,

I am having problems with styling rich texts when I turn them to dynamic elements.

Even I create new css style for the rich text element, font changes doesn’t apply. only positioning functions work.

Do you have anny suggestions for me to test?



I have the same problem and have no chance to resolve it by myself. This CMS is not working well in bunch of places. This makes me upset…

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I think now I understand how rich text elements work. When added one, it’s better to stylise each rich text option there. and after that when I connect it with a dynamic connection voila!

I think the reason it seems like style changes does not effecting the rich text is because rich text has couple of style options inside. they were overriding the custom style changes.

Customising All H1,H2,H3…etc in rich texts solved my problem. Hope this helps you too. @Kowkin



That really works. But system is strange anyway. I think that rich text must have their own style. Without linking to the global style settings.
Anyway, thank you @erbils!You’ve solved my problem!:wink:

Hey @Kowkin and @erbils :smile:

You are correct in that the Rich Text element adopts the global styles. My recommendation is to make a page with each base text element (all headings, paragraph & block text etc). Then style the global fonts. This will save you a lot of time in the long run by doing this up front. :smile:

Thank you!

  • Waldo :smile:
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Hi @erbils, this may be a little late, but I added an article that goes over styling rich text elements. Can you take a peek and let me know if this addresses what you were having trouble with? Thanks!

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Hi guys,
I’ve got some problem with Rich Text styling. Well not with styling itself but with the Clean Up function in Style manager. I’ve been able to style my blockquotes and links inside Rich Text block according to the video in the help section here. I assigned some texts in my articles as links and blockquotes but when I click Clean Up in my style manager, I can see that it will delete my Rich text classes and styles also along with other unnecessary old classes and styles?
Is this a bug?

P.S: Sorry if this is not the correct topic to ask in :slight_smile: