Big problem with rich text

Hello. I returned to Webflow after getting my fiber optic connection on January 15 to catch up and finalize my website.

To my surprise, on the CMS section, despite configuring the rich text, I can no longer customize it as I wanted. :neutral_face:

It was better before! Itā€™s frustrating to change everything, and now Iā€™m struggling ! :triumph:

My title is not completely aligned to the left.

My links, bold text, listsā€¦ have disappeared !

Itā€™s a real mess! Webflow, what have you done ?

And when I disconnect, it does this! :arrow_down:

Itā€™s no longer possible to do anything ! Itā€™s madness !

I am quite unhappy that you changed everything, disrupting the hard work I had invested ! Why did you do that ? Youā€™re causing me problems and now Iā€™m struggling ! Why did you alter what was good before ? I am disgusted !

Can you please help me ? Thank you for your attention. I need to finish it before the 26th (yes, it will be my birthday, haha !)

Did you import your collection through a bulk upload (csv file)? If so, hereā€™s something that might help:

During import, any code in a rich text field is ā€œcleaned upā€ to remove elements, classes, and attributes that arenā€™t supported in Webflow. Because of this cleanup process, you may want to check your rich text content after import.
Cited from this reference.