Rich text glitches

Hi @cjeancouture,

We’re currently in the process of a complete rebuild of the core text editing functionality across Webflow and have been gradually rolling it out and fixing issues. Currently the designer-canvas is the only place using the new version.

Some of the examples you listed are things we’ve fixed, although it’s possible there are edge cases or regressions we missed that we’d want to prioritize fixes for.

We’re currently aware of some line break paste issues but so far they all seem to be related to the source content being copied containing extra line breaks. Ideally we’ll come up with an improved universal way to detect when they’re unwanted and clean them up on paste.

If for any text editing issues you’ve run into you’re able to share:

  • repro steps
  • which browser/OS you’re using
  • and where in Webflow you’re running into any of these issues (designer-canvas, data manager, editor-canvas)
  • bonus points for screenshots/screencasts

Our ContentEditor team can prioritize them

Hopefully as we work through the known edge case list the new Content/Text Editing system we’re building will be a lot more stable and less prone to bugs than the old system.