Rich text field in say a blog post

Hi All

My first post here so I hope I get the protocols right.

If I have a rich text field in a blog post collection, how do I edit the rtf?

I’ve copied and pasted from Word and Notepad and the file has an image. The result of the paste is fine except there is no image. How do I handle this?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Hi, your protocol is top notch :wink:

When copy and pasting into a RT element, only text, along with some formatting, will subsist. Sadly, the titles hierarchy rarely transfers so you have to re-give titles their proper hierarchy, manually.

Images, too, have to be entered manually.

Place your cursor inside the RT, at the end of the paragraph preceding where you want your images to be.

Hit Enter on the keyboard to go to a next line.

A +icon should appear.

Click on the Image icon, and upload your image, then set its properties.

Do the same for videos, lists or multimedia elements.

Brilliant; it works. I can live with that.

Many thanks.


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