Retrieve text value of an Option field of a CMS item

I am retrieving the contents of a CMS Item via the Data API. One of the custom fields for the Collection is an Option (Dropdown) field.

Ideally I would like to get the text value of the selected option for the field for the Item. But all I get is what looks like the internal ID of the selected option.

Any suggestions on how to get the text value? I am using v1 API in my code at the moment, but I’ve tested v2 API and the same behavior applies.


It’s been awhile but IIRC you need to get collection details to retrieve the options text & ID’s.

I see. It’s a bit annoying to have to make a second API call to be able to map an option ID to a text value, but I guess it should work.

I’ve used expand parameter to inline references to other collections into the single API call, and I was hoping that would work for this as well, but it does not seem to.