Overall, I’m pretty happy with the responsiveness of this site. However, just between ~1240–980, the margins seem to go out the window, literally! What’s going on here?
https://feather-and-nest.webflow.io/ PW: GreenTeam21!
Overall, I’m pretty happy with the responsiveness of this site. However, just between ~1240–980, the margins seem to go out the window, literally! What’s going on here?
https://feather-and-nest.webflow.io/ PW: GreenTeam21!
Help would be so appreciated! Thanks!
Hi @ktdid,
add width: 100%; to your “.body-1920-centered” element to fix this problem.
You set the flexbox to grow ip possible.
Just set it to shrink if needed and apply wifth: 100%
Thank you! I had it set how I did to remedy another issue and just needed to take it further. Appreciated!