Any insight on where a responsive tables element will be available in webflow?
Hi @adamjacobs, we do not yet have a responsive table widget, but you can create a responsive table manually using divs and positioning.
I changed this to a Wishlist item, since there was not one for this There is not an ETA for this, but most of the features in Webflow are inspired from the Wishlist items
As soon as we make it, we will let you know
Cheers, Dave
Actual HTML tables are very hard to do in a responsive layout, unless they have only a few columns, and the items in them are narrow enough to wrap properly. This is why most people use floating divisions for many of the things we used to use tables for. In the meantime, if you have an HTML table that you’re sure will look OK at about 320 pixels wide, you could always use embedded code for that.
This implementation is a possible solution Webflow can adapt when we finally have responsive table widget: