Is there any way to create a responsive collapsible navigation menu bar like in Bootstrap?
(like this: Redirecting… )
Is there any way to create a responsive collapsible navigation menu bar like in Bootstrap?
(like this: Redirecting… )
At the moment we do not have an entire navbar element with these settings. At the moment you can build your own navbar Adding a fixed navigation bar - Webflow Tips - Forum | Webflow
But we are planning on adding this kind of navbar with a context menu for smaller devices.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I would be VERY interested in this feature!
I’ve got the fixed nav bar, but do you know of any examples of webflow sites that someone has hacked in a collapsible mobile nav like the Bootstrap example? It’s well beyond my primitive JS chops to do one, or even ascertain that it could be done with an embed if I could find a code example.
I’m not sure if anyone has tried to work around it.
Calling all web designers - have you tried to force a bootstrap-style menu button on mobile?
I’m actually working on it now, just designing the css in webflow and then exporting to text editor to implement the animations and panel changes. I wish a css element can control another element from webflow so we can create custom menus and cascading drop downs like in this video Cascading Drop-down Navigation Menu with CSS (Part 2) - YouTube
Totally @christophertorr that’s something we are planning. In the meantime there are workarounds.
I’ll try to make it
@bartekkustra you da man!
http://jqbox.webflow.com/ slide down to the menu. It’s not exactly what bootstrap is, but it’s fair enough I think
Just in the nick of time, thanks!
This will be a lovely drag and drop addition to the app
We have it planned! We hope to release it as soon as we can.
I’m struggling a little to get it working as bartekkustra illustrates; if ASAP means in a day or two, I’ll go on to other things! But if it means a week or more, I’ll keep plugging away on it - how’s it looking?
So far, you folks are delivering features just ahead of my needs, it’s been pretty amazing!
Awesome @thesergie! This is much appreciated
This is what I meant. Sorry for the confusion!
Well, back to the salt mines…