Resetting breakpoint styles

It seems I’ve unintentionally made changes in the 1440px and up breakpoint at some point. I would like to reset those changes so the styles from the desktop breakpoint could be inherited as it’s supposed to.

Any way to do this or do I have to do everything manually again (it was already a pain to do it in the desktop breakpoint)?

EDIT : Ok so I’ve read from Breakpoints | Webflow University that my elements must stay the same regardless of what breakpoint I’m editing, so I don’t understand why I’ve got different grid dispositions/images in desktop and in 1440px.

@Deborah_D If your elements are set to manual positioning on grid, it may differ from breakpoint to breakpoint.

They’re identical from desktop to mobile but somehow the 1440px and up is totally messed up, as if I’ve been editing it without knowing it and went back to desktop at some point. But now I’m done with the desktop and am happy with how it looks from desktop to mobile, I would like to copy the layout to 1440px and up and not do it all over again because that was long and fastidious.