Puzzled by More Specific Selector of exact same Combo Class

I’m getting a lot of “value Overridden by more specif selector” of the Exact same Combo Class. :frowning:

For example: I must change Button Width for this particular combo class.

But It wont let me adjust it’s Width see screenshot:

This is hampering, the following is an example on one page:
I have the following:

  1. Button Element’s with Button–aks–94 on 1 page
  2. Submit Button with Button–aks–94 on 1 page

I am able to solve this particular instance, but there are at least a dozen of other instances that I have no idea what the root is (particularly things like Button|Paragraph–{Light|Dark}–{variant} or Product Image–{Category|Product Type}–{format|size|filter modifier} etc…), so I end up painstakingly normalizing the Class into a new class name to get around this error.

I notice that can easy reproduce error by using Combo classes in different types of elements:

  1. Combo Class–01 in a heading block
  2. Combo Class–01 in a text block
  3. Combo Class–01 in a div block

Also error propagates to all Sub Combo classes in the event I use ‘Duplicate’ class name and/or ‘Rename Class Name’. Then the Edit CSS properties become unusable, even if its Same Combo class.

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Hi, @miekwave! I’d love to help with this. Can you provide me some more information?

Which project are you specifically having issues with? Can you share your read-only link with me so I can jump in and investigate?

Looking forward to hearing back so we can take a look. :smiley:

Can i rename combo class to one new class with all it’s css?

Hi, @miekwave and @imbalar - another customer was experiencing the same issue as you and I was able to track down what was happening. We’re working on tracking down a fix for this issue now and we’ll post more here when we have a fix!

A workaround is to add a new combo class to the element and style. I know this isn’t ideal, and I apologize for any frustration this may have caused.

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Any update on this? I am experiencing the excact same problem right now!

Hi @new_work_city

We don’t have too much of an update yet, but we can say the team is working on an update to our style systems. This update will address many things, but it should also resolve this issue with the combo class.

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