Product page error 404


I have to design the home page and a product page for a school project. I made those and would like to link a button to access the product page I just made. But when I put the link on the button and go on my published website, it says error 404.

When I click on “commandez dès maintenant !” I have the 404 error

Do you have any ideas ? My collection template page is already published.
Here is my link : Webflow - Site Protéine

You’re close, on your button you have this defined as the URL to link to; clear-whey-isolate

However that’s not a valid URL.
It’s missing the protocol and has an added space before “clear”

You can do this, the full protocol, hostname, and path;

Or since it’s the same site you should be able to do a relative path.

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Okay thanks you !! It worked :smiley:

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