Problems with RIch text from CMS to the collection list


I have imported some foratted text into the CMS as rich text and it looks fine in the CMS. But as soon as I look at in onn web it messes up the formats.

I found out that I can re-save the individual fields in the CMS and that will fix the problem. But that is not a feasible solution for this bug as I have several hundrets of records and they need to update automatically.

What to do?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

If you can identify what it is that’s broken in your HTML, you can export your CMS, make that fix within the CSV, and re-import it. That will likely require some python scripting or other means of correcting your HTML structure to work properly in a Rich Text Block.

If you preserve the ItemID column, Webflow is good at identifying this as an update rather than loading additional records.

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