Probleme scroll disabled

Hi everybody

I am currently having a big issue right here.
While trying to see how was working my website, I published it and now when I go on it its impossible so scroll down to the other elements.
Do you know what could have happened ?

Thanks a lot for your time!!

Here is my public share link:
(how to access public share link)

Hey man!

I’ve been checking your issue. On the “Body” element you have overwlow hidden.

Change it and it should works smooth! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your answer.

The fact is that if I have done this it is because when I do not there is a right blank space that I do not achieve to get rid of.

Do you know from where it could happen ?

I am not sure, which white space you mean. Can you send me a screen?

I think that if you try to scroll right on my website you’ll see it :

Try CTRL+F5 I cant see any issue

what should have done CTRL + F5 ?

I see it ok, try to make a width as : 100%

févr.-04-2020 17-36-21

I tried and it did not work

this can be a problem I cant see the problem in my preview mode

Yes ? And while you go on my website hosted by webflow you do not have the possibility to swipe right and seeing the blocks going left and letting white space appear?

This is so weird I absolutely do not understand what is the problem i am searching since 2 hours now

sent you dm :wink: let me know

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