I use web flow to design sites in WordPress – now with this new grid, my older designs in Webflow seem to have switched over automatically??? to css grid - and MY classes have been changed. Very disappointing.
Now there are some classes with crazy code which is almost “Microsoft Front Page” feeling such as [ article id=“w-node-a2f952403a2f-5d75a4dd” ] - What’s going on?
Why can’t I the customer make the decision whether my old sites be changed over to CSSGRID or not? Why is the system changing my sites?!?
If it changes my site that means EVERYTHING I DO ON MY OLD TEMPLATE IS JACKED moving forward.
Please assist. I do not have. The time to rebuild my entire site and no I can not switch to your cms.
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)