Problem styling and positioning images in a Rich text from a CMS

Hello there,

I have the following problem styling posts of a blog from a CMS, this blog data was exported from Wordpress and imported into Webflow. I would like to know any suggestion to style the images, the three images are in a column style and I want them in a row position.

How they are right now:

How I want them:

Any advice will be helpful
Thanks !

Rich text elements are fairly simplistic in terms of content layout control.
Some options for your arrangment-

  • Make it one single image
  • Custom code, placed as an embed, which contains your <img> elements

More complex ones, not really suited here;

  • Javascript to adjust your image positioning
  • Finsweet’s Powerful Rich Text lib, using PRT “components” to insert your images from a separate on-page element set.