Is it possible to link Printify with Webflow? It’s a similar print on demand platform to Printful, however the Printify platform will be of much more use to me with my project.
If so, any ideas how?
Is it possible to link Printify with Webflow? It’s a similar print on demand platform to Printful, however the Printify platform will be of much more use to me with my project.
If so, any ideas how?
Hi @jpbg2009.
Josh with Foxy here. Are you needing to integrate with Printify pre-purchase (sync product data to Webflow, post-purchase (send customer/order info to Printify), or both?
Both. I’m looking to achieve the same type of integration as available with Webflow-Printful.
Hi @jpbg2009.
Thank you for confirming. A custom setup will be needed no matter what. If you don’t get what you need with Webflow Ecommerce, you might consider our seamless Webflow integration:
Here to help if you have any followup questions or need help getting started: We offer an unlimited free trial, which means you can build and test for free for as long as you need, free of charge.