Printable, downloadable, ability to show VAT and PDF format

Hi Webflow guys,

Loving everything you’re doing. I have more of an admin request which might be on your radar. Can you please consider adding a way to quickly print off monthly invoices so my Creative Director can expense it with our accounting team? Not a major thing. Currently I have to screenshot the invoice detail, print off my mac and run it over to him.

Or even just send the detailed invoice in the email notification and I could print that.


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Totally Ricky! @brryant was actually working on that the other day. He can chime in with progress.

Thanks! Great to hear. You guys are snappy.

So, is there actually some kind of print/download/sendmail button now? I can’t find it.

Any update on this @thesergie?

Hey guys, can you try Chrome’s native CMD+P or CTRL+P on that page and see if that helps? We’re working on a dashboard redesign so you will most likely have to wait until we launch that for any update on the invoicing printing. Thanks!

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Looks bad. Chrome native print at Windows 8.1. I will check on Mac later.

I’m actually taking a screenshot everytime and print that instead as it gives more desirable results.

Maybe this: could help?

As for making web page screenshots, is great.

I am also surprised there isn’t a PDF download of the invoice. It would help a lot.

Any updates?

Anyone @webflow can offer a reply?

@brryant hope you’re still working on this one.

Hey, is there any update on that subject?
If it’s possible to download, than i don’t see it…