PC Live site does not match Live view from designer. HELP

Hi All,

I had a new site go live and I’ve made all the changes to the site in designer and published the site. However, the site updates show perfectly on the mobile view and on pc view in the editor but the live site is not updated on a browser. Please help!!! I’ve never had this before. please see the site below.


Live site here. https://www.agoddesstouchevents.com/

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Have you cleared your browser cache? Does this issue exist on other devices?

I cleared the cache and it’s only on the desktop view.

Hi There. Any other ideas?

I would try different browsers and I would inspect the source code to see the last update to see if that matches your last publish date/time. Not much I can do otherwise.