I have some animations on elements in the banner of this site using the Page Scrolled trigger. they’re working fine on the home page where they were created, you can see it here http://devonport-timber.webflow.io/ But they 're not functioning at all on the inner pages, can see here timber mouldings | Devonport Timber
On scrolling up/down the navbar elements move up/down a bit, the main logo resizes - it’s all as I want it. I have made sure to select the ‘Affect all elements with the class’ option to make sure that the animations work through out the site and they are all within a Symbol element that houses the navbar etc.
Would appreciate any assistance in getting this to work, I’ve obviously missed something but I can’t see it. Here’s the Shared link if you want to have a look Webflow - Devonport Timber
The scroll up/down interaction is a page trigger and therefore need to be set up on every page manually like you did on your home page.
On every page you will have to add a page scrolled interaction and just select the animations you already made to be triggered on this specific page. As far as I know there is not (yet) a button to apply it to every page at once.
Wow really surprised this is something one still has to do manually…not practical for websites with many pages. No scroll triggered transforming header for me, I guess.