Page broken on IE11

Hi there,

This page on my website: Document Management Software Reviews | Virtual Cabinet

Breaks on Internet Explorer 11, see screenshot below:

Is there any reason for this? As IE11 accounts for a significant amount of my traffic?

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Virtual Cabinet

@Matthew_Butler it looks like your Read-Only link may have been disabled? Could you please re-share that?

This looks like a known Flexbox limitation where the widths are not set to 100% for certain elements.

The div-block-50 class and two of it’s child elements don’t have a width of 100% styled. Setting those to a width of 100% and changing the margin style to padding instead should clean that up but it’s difficult to test it further without a live Read-Only link. Can you please re-share that if you’re having any trouble with the implementation?

Thank you so much @Waldo! I re-did it all setting widths of 100% and that seemed to fix things! Really appreicate your help.

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